ANFCA Operational Structure
ANFCA staff and contractors report to an Executive Director who is responsible for the overall operations and outcomes of the association. Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is responsible to implement the strategic direction provided by the Board and to guide the operational implementation of programs and services.
ANFCA envisions an organizational structure in which our provincial office employs an appropriate variety of personnel to optimally fulfill the mandate of the association.
Organizational Structure:
As a grassroots-based organization, ANFCA, through its member Friendship Centres has a direct connection to the urban Indigenous community in our region.
From the local community, each autonomously organized Friendship Centre elects a local community-based Board of Directors.
From these Boards, ANFCA-member Friendship Centres appoint delegates (two from each member Centre for ANFCA’s AGM) to form the provincial Board of Directors. ANFCA’s Executive Committee is elected (and duly appointed in the case of Elder) by the members at ANFCA’s Annual General Meeting, with exception of the national Board Representative, who is elected by the Board of Directors.
Our grassroots structure ensures that local community members’ needs guide the direction of programs and services at the community (Friendship Centre), provincial (ANFCA) and national (NAFC) levels.