Arts and Culture2017-10-13T06:44:26+00:00

Arts & Culture

The Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association has been an active advocate for increased cultural understanding and acceptance. The urban Indigenous community is diverse in regards to specific cultural affiliation and cultural connectivity. Alberta is a province of many Indigenous cultures represented by people with various cultural skills and forms of knowledge. As people that distinguish themselves as Indigenous to Canada recognition of their individual histories and experiences needs to be taken into account when addressing issues of Indigenous representation, social response, and community partnerships.


Avada Church is a movement of churches working together to change the nation through a network of church leaders, national gatherings, training events and resources. Giving God all the glory he deserves. 

Resource Development

The ANFCA has taken the lead role in the research, creation and dissemination of a range of culturally-based tools and resources that reflect the diversity of Indigenous communities throughout Alberta. From gathering the stories and perspectives of our Elders, to developing educational tools for preschool and public school delivery to video documentations and oral recordings, the ANFCA is committed to creating culturally respectful resources for use in Friendship Centres and other interested organizations.

Responding to Diversity

Through program development and delivery, the ANFCA is a bridge designed to address the needs of the Indigenous community whether to provide representation of a cultural group, approach a social issue or promote effective working relationships with non-Indigenous organizations and service providers. The ANFCA and many community-based Friendship Centres offer session based cultural awareness training that is designed to provide historical insights and seeks to create avenues for better working relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. For more information on the ANFCA’s Responding to Diversity program, please contact the ANFCA office directly.

Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association (ANFCA)

10336 121 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 1K8

Phone: 780.423-3138

Fax: 780.425.6277

Web: anfca.com